
Templater uses a custom templating engine (rusty_engine) syntax to declare a command. You may need a bit of time to get used to it, but once you get the idea, the syntax is not that hard.

All of Templater's functions are JavaScript objects that are invoked using a command.

Command syntax

A command must have both an opening tag <% and a closing tag %>.

A complete command using the internal function would be: <% %>

Function syntax

Objects hierarchy

All of Templater's functions, whether it's an internal function or a user function, are available under the tp object. You could say that all our functions are children of the tp object. To access the "child" of an object, we have to use the dot notation .

This means that a Templater function invocation will always start with tp.<something>

Function invocation

To invoke a function, we need to use a syntax specific to functions calls: appending an opening and a closing parenthesis after the function name.

As an example, we would use to invoke the internal function.

A function can have arguments and optional arguments. They are placed between the opening and the closing parenthesis, like so:, arg2_value, arg3_value, ...)

All arguments must be passed in the correct order.

The arguments of a function can have different types. Here is a non-exhaustive list of the possible types of a function:

  • A string type means the value must be placed within simple or double quotes ("value" or 'value')
  • A number type means the value must be an integer (15, -5, ...)
  • A boolean type means the value must be either true or false (completely lower case), and nothing else.

The type of an argument must be respected when calling a function, or it won't work.

Function documentation syntax

The documentation for the internal functions of Templater are using the following syntax:

tp.<my_function>(arg1_name: type, arg2_name?: type, arg3_name: type = <default_value>, arg4_name: type1|type2, ...)


  • arg_name represents a symbolic name for the argument, to understand what it is.
  • type represents the expected type for the argument. This type must be respected when calling the internal function, or it will throw an error.

If an argument is optional, it will be appended with a question mark ?, e.g. arg2_name?: type

If an argument has a default value, it will be specified using an equal sign =, e.g. arg3_name: type = <default_value>.

If an argument can have different types, it will be specified using a pipe |, e.g. arg4_name: type1|type2

Syntax warning

Please note that this syntax is for documentation purposes only, to be able to understand what arguments the function expects.

You mustn't specify the name nor the type nor the default value of an argument when calling a function. Only the value of the arguments are required, as explained here


Let's take the internal function documentation as an example: string = "YYYY-MM-DD", offset?: number|string, reference?: string, reference_format?: string)

This internal function has 4 optional arguments:

  • a format of type string, with a default value of "YYYY-MM-DD".
  • an offset of type number or of type string.
  • a reference of type string .
  • a reference_format of type string .

That means that valid invocations for this internal function are:

  • <% %>
  • <%"YYYY-MM-DD", 7) %>
  • <%"YYYY-MM-DD", 7, "2021-04-09", "YYYY-MM-DD") %>
  • <%"dddd, MMMM Do YYYY", 0, tp.file.title, "YYYY-MM-DD") %> *Assuming the file name is of the format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

On the other hand, invalid invocations are:

  • string = "YYYY-MM-DD")
  • string = "YYYY-MM-DD", offset?: 0)