File Module

This module contains every internal function related to files.


Function documentation is using a specific syntax. More information here.


The string contents of the file at the time that Templater was executed. Manipulating this string will not update the current file.

// Retrieve file content
<% tp.file.content %>

tp.file.create_new(template: TFile ⎮ string, filename?: string, open_new: boolean = false, folder?: TFolder | string)

Creates a new file using a specified template or with a specified content.

  • template: Either the template used for the new file content, or the file content as a string. If it is the template to use, you retrieve it with tp.file.find_tfile(TEMPLATENAME).

  • filename: The filename of the new file, defaults to "Untitled".

  • open_new: Whether to open or not the newly created file. Warning: if you use this option, since commands are executed asynchronously, the file can be opened first and then other commands are appended to that new file and not the previous file.

  • folder: The folder to put the new file in, defaults to Obsidian's default location. If you want the file to appear in a different folder, specify it with "PATH/TO/FOLDERNAME" or app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath("PATH/TO/FOLDERNAME").

// File creation
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename") %>
// File creation with template
<%* await tp.file.create_new(tp.file.find_tfile("MyTemplate"), "MyFilename") %>
// File creation and open created note
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", true) %>
// File creation in current folder
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, tp.file.folder(true)) %>
// File creation in specified folder with string path
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, "Path/To/MyFolder") %>
// File creation in specified folder with TFolder
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath("MyFolder")) %>
// File creation and append link to current note
[[<% (await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename")).basename %>]]

tp.file.creation_date(format: string = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")

Retrieves the file's creation date.

  • format: The format for the date. Defaults to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm". Refer to format reference.
// File creation date
<% tp.file.creation_date() %>
// File creation date with format
<% tp.file.creation_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm") %>

tp.file.cursor(order?: number)

Sets the cursor to this location after the template has been inserted.

You can navigate between the different cursors using the configured hotkey in Obsidian settings.

  • order: The order of the different cursors jump, e.g. it will jump from 1 to 2 to 3, and so on. If you specify multiple tp.file.cursor with the same order, the editor will switch to multi-cursor.
// File cursor
<% tp.file.cursor() %>
// File multi-cursor
<% tp.file.cursor(1) %>Content<% tp.file.cursor(1) %>

tp.file.cursor_append(content: string)

Appends some content after the active cursor in the file.

  • content: The content to append after the active cursor.
// File cursor append
<% tp.file.cursor_append("Some text") %>

tp.file.exists(filepath: string)

Check to see if a file exists by it's file path. The full path to the file, relative to the Vault and containing the extension, must be provided.

  • filepath: The full file path of the file we want to check existence for.
// File existence
<% await tp.file.exists("MyFolder/") %>
// File existence of current file
<% await tp.file.exists(tp.file.folder(true) + "/" + tp.file.title + ".md") %>

tp.file.find_tfile(filename: string)

Search for a file and returns its TFile instance.

  • filename: The filename we want to search and resolve as a TFile.
// File find TFile
<% tp.file.find_tfile("MyFile").basename %>

tp.file.folder(absolute: boolean = false)

Retrieves the file's folder name.

  • absolute: If set to true, returns the vault-absolute path of the folder. If false, only returns the basename of the folder (the last part). Defaults to false.
// File folder (Folder)
<% tp.file.folder() %>
// File folder with vault-absolute path (Path/To/Folder)
<% tp.file.folder(true) %>

Includes the file's link content. Templates in the included content will be resolved.

  • include_link: The link to the file to include, e.g. "[[MyFile]]", or a TFile object. Also supports sections or blocks inclusions.
// File include
<% tp.file.include("[[Template1]]") %>
// File include TFile
<% tp.file.include(tp.file.find_tfile("MyFile")) %>
// File include section
<% tp.file.include("[[MyFile#Section1]]") %>
// File include block
<% tp.file.include("[[MyFile#^block1]]") %>

tp.file.last_modified_date(format: string = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm")

Retrieves the file's last modification date.

  • format: The format for the date. Defaults to "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm". Refer to format reference.
// File last modified date
<% tp.file.last_modified_date() %>
// File last modified date with format
<% tp.file.last_modified_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm") %>

tp.file.move(new_path: string, file_to_move?: TFile)

Moves the file to the desired vault location.

  • new_path: The new vault relative path of the file, without the file extension. Note: the new path needs to include the folder and the filename, e.g. "/Notes/MyNote".

  • file_to_move: The file to move, defaults to the current file.

// File move
<% await tp.file.move("/A/B/" + tp.file.title) %>
// File move and rename
<% await tp.file.move("/A/B/NewTitle") %>

tp.file.path(relative: boolean = false)

Retrieves the file's absolute path on the system.

  • relative: If set to true, only retrieves the vault's relative path.
// File path
<% tp.file.path() %>
// File relative path (relative to vault root)
<% tp.file.path(true) %>

tp.file.rename(new_title: string)

Renames the file (keeps the same file extension).

  • new_title: The new file title.
// File rename
<% await tp.file.rename("MyNewName") %>
// File append a 2 to the file name
<% await tp.file.rename(tp.file.title + "2") %>


Retrieves the active file's text selection.

// File selection
<% tp.file.selection() %>


Retrieves the file's tags (array of string).

// File tags
<% tp.file.tags %>


Retrieves the file's title.

// File title
<% tp.file.title %>
// Strip the Zettelkasten ID of title (if space separated)
<% tp.file.title.split(" ")[1] %>


// Retrieve file content
<% tp.file.content %>

// File creation
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename") %>
// File creation with template
<%* await tp.file.create_new(tp.file.find_tfile("MyTemplate"), "MyFilename") %>
// File creation and open created note
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", true) %>
// File creation in current folder
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, tp.file.folder(true)) %>
// File creation in specified folder with string path
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, "Path/To/MyFolder") %>
// File creation in specified folder with TFolder
<%* await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename", false, app.vault.getAbstractFileByPath("MyFolder")) %>
// File creation and append link to current note
[[<% (await tp.file.create_new("MyFileContent", "MyFilename")).basename %>]]

// File creation date
<% tp.file.creation_date() %>
// File creation date with format
<% tp.file.creation_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm") %>

// File cursor
<% tp.file.cursor() %>
// File multi-cursor
<% tp.file.cursor(1) %>Content<% tp.file.cursor(1) %>

// File cursor append
<% tp.file.cursor_append("Some text") %>

// File existence
<% await tp.file.exists("MyFolder/") %>
// File existence of current file
<% await tp.file.exists(tp.file.folder(true) + "/" + tp.file.title + ".md") %>

// File find TFile
<% tp.file.find_tfile("MyFile").basename %>

// File folder (Folder)
<% tp.file.folder() %>
// File folder with vault-absolute path (Path/To/Folder)
<% tp.file.folder(true) %>

// File include
<% tp.file.include("[[Template1]]") %>
// File include TFile
<% tp.file.include(tp.file.find_tfile("MyFile")) %>
// File include section
<% tp.file.include("[[MyFile#Section1]]") %>
// File include block
<% tp.file.include("[[MyFile#^block1]]") %>

// File last modified date
<% tp.file.last_modified_date() %>
// File last modified date with format
<% tp.file.last_modified_date("dddd Do MMMM YYYY HH:mm") %>

// File move
<% await tp.file.move("/A/B/" + tp.file.title) %>
// File move and rename
<% await tp.file.move("/A/B/NewTitle") %>

// File path
<% tp.file.path() %>
// File relative path (relative to vault root)
<% tp.file.path(true) %>

// File rename
<% await tp.file.rename("MyNewName") %>
// File append a 2 to the file name
<% await tp.file.rename(tp.file.title + "2") %>

// File selection
<% tp.file.selection() %>

// File tags
<% tp.file.tags %>

// File title
<% tp.file.title %>
// Strip the Zettelkasten ID of title (if space separated)
<% tp.file.title.split(" ")[1] %>