System Module

This module contains system related functions.


Function documentation is using a specific syntax. More information here.


Retrieves the clipboard's content.

// Clipboard
<% tp.system.clipboard() %>

tp.system.prompt(prompt_text?: string, default_value?: string, throw_on_cancel: boolean = false, multiline?: boolean = false)

Spawns a prompt modal and returns the user's input.

  • prompt_text: Text placed above the input field.

  • default_value: A default value for the input field.

  • throw_on_cancel: Throws an error if the prompt is canceled, instead of returning a null value.

  • multiline: If set to true, the input field will be a multiline textarea. Defaults to false.

// Prompt
<% tp.system.prompt("Please enter a value") %>
// Prompt with default value
<% tp.system.prompt("What is your mood today?", "happy") %>
// Multiline prompt
<% tp.system.prompt("What is your mood today?", null, false, true) %>

tp.system.suggester(text_items: string[] ⎮ ((item: T) => string), items: T[], throw_on_cancel: boolean = false, placeholder: string = "", limit?: number = undefined)

Spawns a suggester prompt and returns the user's chosen item.

  • text_items: Array of strings representing the text that will be displayed for each item in the suggester prompt. This can also be a function that maps an item to its text representation.

  • items: Array containing the values of each item in the correct order.

  • throw_on_cancel: Throws an error if the prompt is canceled, instead of returning a null value.

  • placeholder: Placeholder string of the prompt.

  • limit: Limit the number of items rendered at once (useful to improve performance when displaying large lists).

// Suggester
<% tp.system.suggester(["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"], ["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"]) %>
// Suggester with mapping function (same as above example)
<% tp.system.suggester((item) => item, ["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"]) %>
// Suggester for files
[[<% (await tp.system.suggester((item) => item.basename, app.vault.getMarkdownFiles())).basename %>]]
// Suggester for tags
<% tp.system.suggester(item => item, Object.keys(app.metadataCache.getTags()).map(x => x.replace("#", ""))) %>


// Clipboard
<% tp.system.clipboard() %>

// Prompt
<% tp.system.prompt("Please enter a value") %>
// Prompt with default value
<% tp.system.prompt("What is your mood today?", "happy") %>
// Multiline prompt
<% tp.system.prompt("What is your mood today?", null, false, true) %>

// Suggester
<% tp.system.suggester(["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"], ["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"]) %>
// Suggester with mapping function (same as above example)
<% tp.system.suggester((item) => item, ["Happy", "Sad", "Confused"]) %>
// Suggester for files
[[<% (await tp.system.suggester((item) => item.basename, app.vault.getMarkdownFiles())).basename %>]]
// Suggester for tags
<% tp.system.suggester(item => item, Object.keys(app.metadataCache.getTags()).map(x => x.replace("#", ""))) %>